Hypoxemia is a condition in which the oxygen level in the blood decreases. It starts from the blood vessels (arteries). Hypoxemia is not a disease. This is a symptom of a problem related to breathing or blood flow.
suffocating. A quick breather. Fast or beating heart beat. Confused. These are the symptoms that are usually seen.
The main reason for the decrease of oxygen levels in the blood is due to lack of breathing fresh air. 90 percent of the time in a day is spent indoors or in the office. During this time, the oxygen level in the air we breathe will be less. Because the air is polluted with carbon dioxide that we release after inhaling. As long as the fresh air from outside does not come in, it will be polluted air that we will keep breathing. This condition may lead us to hypochemia. Make sure you have fresh air circulation inside your home and office.
Inlet Fan is the solution for this. Breathing fresh air and drinking clean water is mandatory for a life without diseases.